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미완료 응모가 있습니다.
  1. 메인 페이지
  2. 모니터
  3. ¥17,000/3.5hrs Age 50~60's & Height 140~159㎝ African people wanted for product test in Yokohama

이 번역은 번역기를 사용하고 있습니다.

¥17,000/3.5hrs Age 50~60's & Height 140~159㎝ African people wanted for product test in Yokohama

Payment:¥17,000 /3.5hrs

응모자격 A: 50-69 year-old and height between 140~159cm African or African roots people
B: A valid working visa
C: Do not have any problem showing a whole face and hair to third parties due to any reasons including religion
D: No glasses (wearing contact lenses is OK)
E: Able to communicate in English or Japanese fluently
F: Live in Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama or Tokyo

보수 ¥17,000
모집인원수 12
모집기간 2018/11/10 - 2018/11/28
설문조사 실시 날짜 2018/11/12, 2018/11/13, 2018/11/14, 2018/11/15, 2018/11/16, 2018/11/19, 2018/11/20, 2018/11/21, 2018/11/22, 2018/11/26, 2018/11/27, 2018/11/28
전형방법 응모마감후 전형
장소 Yokohama
교통 Public Transportation
교통비지급의 유무 없음

모니터 내용

We are looking for African roots whose age are between 50-69 year-old & height between 140~159cm for product test on a facial recognition application. You will be asked to move and show various sides of your face in front of cameras including the inside of a car. It's a very simple job!!

Any nationality is welcome as long as the applicants are African roots but we will have a screening first to choose participants.

*Please note that this offer is for foreign residents in Japan.

Here are the details of the survey.

-Purpose of this research: Monitoring survey
-Contents: Product testing
-Date: 11/19-28 *WEEKDAY ONLY
-Time: 1) 9:15AM-12:45PM or 2) 1:40PM-5:10PM 
*You will be assigned either 1) or 2) time slot as per your availability
-Survey Duration: 3.5 hrs

-Location: JR Kamoi station ( along JR Yokohama line)
-Payment: 17,000 JPY *Transportation fare will NOT be reimbursed.
( We have to take out 10.21% withholding tax from your payment)

친구에게 이 일을 소개해 보아요

이 일에 딱 맞는 친구가 없을까요?

부디 당신의 친구를 소개해주세요

친구가 일을 완료하면
당신에게 : 2,000엔분

  1. 메인 페이지
  2. 모니터
  3. ¥17,000/3.5hrs Age 50~60's & Height 140~159㎝ African people wanted for product test in Yokohama