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Colunas / 2023.08.21

【Living in Japan】How to Enter an Onsen (Japanese Hot Spring)

Have you ever been to an onsen in Japan? In the onsen, people are soaking in the bath together even with strangers. There are some onsen etiquettes that you have to follow, so this time we will explain how to enter the onsen. Learn the etiquettes and let's visit an onsen!

■ What is an Onsen?
Onsen (hot spring) is hot water that comes out from nature. Some of them contain good ingredients for the body. Japanese people usually visit onsen for health and relaxation.

■ How to Enter an Onsen
① Take off your clothes at the dressing room.
② Wash your head and body at the washing area.
 Many people will use the same hot bath, so make sure you are clean before going in.
③ Pour hot water over your body before going in the hot bath.
 This is to remove dirt and to get used to the temperature of the hot bath. Entering suddenly is bad for your heart.
④ Sit in the hot bath and warm your body.
 If it's hot, you don't have to soak up to your shoulders.
⑤ When you are finished, rinse off your body in the shower.
 Let's rinse off your body after soaking in a hot spring bath with strong ingredients.
⑥ Use a towel to wipe water droplets off your body before go to the dressing room.
 Let's keep the floor of the changing room dry.

■ Onsen Etiquettes
・Do not enter in swimwear or clothes.
・Do not put towels in the hot bath.
・If you have a long hair, tie up your hair.
・Do not swim in the hot bath.
・Do no let soap or shampoo bubbles get into the hot bath.
・Do not put water in the hot bath to cool down the hot water.
・Do not run in the dressing room or washing area.
・Do not enter the onsen when you are drunk.

※Make sure you drink a lot before and after entering an onsen.

■ Commonly Used Words in The Onsen
脱衣所 (datsuijyo) : a place to wipe off your body /dressing room.
湯船 (yubune): A bathtub.
洗い場 (araiba): A place to wash your head and body /washing room.
かけ湯 (kakeyu): To pour hot spring water over your body.


Q:Which one is the best way to enter an onsen?
① Enter while resting.
② Stay in the hot bath for 30 minutes.
③ Stay in the hot bath for 5 minutes only.
  The answer is?★

①Enter while resting.
Do not force yourself to stay in the hot bath. Enjoy yourself, relax and soak in the bath with your own pace.

In the previous column, we shared about embarrassing episodes in the onsen.  We hope that everyone could enjoy onsen and avoid making mistakes like in the column.

Would you like to work at a hotel with an onsen? ♨
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