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Column / 2023.08.07

【What you need in Japan】健康保険証(けんこう ほけんしょう)ーHealth Insurance Card

Health insurance card is a card given to people who have medical insurance. Japanese and Non-Japanese people living in Japan must have insurance. There are several types of insurance, so make sure you know which one you should get.

■About Health Insurance Card
・The company and the government will pay 70-80% of the money you paid at the hospital.
・When hospitalization or surgery fee raised, the price difference will be given to you. 

※Once you receive your health insurance card, you must write your address on the back.
You can go to the hospital without an insurance card. But you have to pay all the cost by yourself.
※The health insurance card can only be used by the person himself/herself. It is a crime to give your health insurance card to another person or use someone else's health insurance card.
※Health insurance may not cover plastic surgery, etc.


■Types of Medical Insurance
・社会保険(しゃかい ほけん)ーSocial Insurance
This is the insurance provided by the company you work for. There are conditions for a part-timer to get social insurance such as;
✅Work for more than 20 hours a week
✅Work for more than 2 months
✅The monthly salary is 88,000 yen or more
✅Not a student
and so on.

・国民健康保険(こくみん けんこう ほけん)ーNational Health Insurance
This insurance can be applied at the government office in the area where you live. People who are not covered by social insurance are covered by this insurance. Bring your passport and residence card to complete the procedures.

・後期高齢者医療(こうき こうれいしゃ いりょう)ーMedical Care System for the Elderly Aged 75 and Over
This insurance covers people aged 75 and over. People who have social insurance or national health insurance will also covered by this insurance. When you turn 75 years old, you will automatically receive a new health insurance card from the government office. The government will pay 90% of the hospital fees.


■Insurance Premium
This is the money you need to pay for the insurance.
The amount you pay depends on your salary and your age.
For people who have social insurance, the premium will be deducted from the salary.
People who have national health insurance will receive an invoice from the government office.
You can pay the premium at government offices and convenience stores.


Q:A person without a health insurance card went to the hospital. What percentage of the cost that she/he has to pay?

  The answer is?★

If you don't have an insurance card, you need to pay 100% of the cost at the hospital. But if you have an insurance card, you only need to pay 20-30% of the cost.

Here's a column about "Going to a hospital"

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