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Get more interviews
with a self-introduction video!

Showcase what you have to offer
that cannot be conveyed in your profile information alone!

What is the Self-introduction Video?

This is a video that will allow you to showcase your personality, past experience, and motivation for the job to the company.
It's such a common tool in job hunting today that about 50% of Japanese college students have made one, and companies are eagerly awaiting yours!

The ease of conveying what you have to offer in a self-introduction video

  • Self-introduction videos
  • If I had to say, self-introduction videos
  • If I had to say, profile/resume information
  • Profile/resume information

About 75% of companies answered that a <self-introduction video> conveys the applicant's personality/strengths more clearly!

Get more interviews!
Showcase what you have to offer that cannot be conveyed in your profile information alone!

Isn't it hard to make a video?

There's no need to worry! Making a self-introduction video is easy!

  • All you need is a 30-second to 1-minute video!

  • All you need is your cell phone!

  • You can reshoot it as many times as you want!

What should I talk about?

There's no need to worry as there are talk examples and sample videos!

Feel free to talk about

  • Basic information (name, nationality, area of residence, etc.)
  • Interests and what you're good at
  • Experience working in Japan/your home country
  • Why you came to Japan and what you like about Japan
  • Your enthusiasm for the job

and whatever else you'd like to say!

Refer to the talk examples and sample videos to showcase to companies what you have to offer!

Self-introduction video: Talk example

  • わたしは 〇〇人の <名前>です。
    - Watashi wa 〇〇 jin no <名前>desu.
  • 東京の 北区の 赤羽駅の 近くに 住んでいます。
    - Tokyo no Kita-ku no Akabane eki no chikaku ni sundeimasu.
  • 日本の アニメが すきで 日本語を べんきょう しています。
    - Nihon no anime ga suki de nihongo wo benkyo shiteimasu.
  • ネイティブ レベルの 英語を 話すことが できます。
    - Neitibu lebelu no eigo wo hanasukoto ga dekimasu.
  • 日本で レストランの アルバイトを したことが あります。
    - Nihon de lesutolan no alubaito wo shitakoto ga alimasu.
  • よろしく おねがいします!
    - Yoloshiku onegaishimasu!

Self-introduction video example

I don't have the JLPT certification...

I've lived in Japan for 10 years, so I can speak Japanese. However, I don't have the JLPT certification, so I was worried that no one would believe I could speak Japanese. I used the self-introduction video to show companies my Japanese skills, and I was called in for an interview!


I've lived in Japan for 10 years, so I can speak Japanese. However, I don't have the JLPT certification, so I was worried that no one would believe I could speak Japanese. I used the self-introduction video to show companies my Japanese skills, and I was called in for an interview!

I practiced many times before I filmed it!

I just came to Japan, so I can't speak Japanese very well. I was able to practice a lot and retake the video many times. A company that saw me putting in so much effort into my speaking contacted me, and I got an interview. Now I'm working and continuing to study Japanese!


I just came to Japan, so I can't speak Japanese very well. I was able to practice a lot and retake the video many times. A company that saw me putting in so much effort into my speaking contacted me, and I got an interview. Now I'm working and continuing to study Japanese!

When I told them I love Japanese food...

I love Japanese food, so I talked about my desire to work in a Japanese restaurant; because of that, I now work in a Japanese pub! There are a lot of foreign tourists, so I get the opportunity to use English,too!


I love Japanese food, so I talked about my desire to work in a Japanese restaurant; because of that, I now work in a Japanese pub! There are a lot of foreign tourists, so I get the opportunity to use English,too!

Steps to make your video and points to note


Check your personal appearance

Be sure that your clothes/hair/makeup look clean!


Click on the "Film your self-introduction video" button

You can go to the video filming page from this page or My Page.


If you are on a computer, press the Upload button and choose your file.

If you are on a cell phone, you can also take a photo from the Upload button.


Your upload is now complete.

What's most important is to smile!

Introduce yourself cheerfully and energetically so that the company will think, "I'd like to meet this person!"

Film a self-introduction video

FAQ about the Self-introduction Video

What is included in the Self-introduction Video?

Name/Nationality/Age/Closest station/Skills/Hobbies
What you like about Japan/Why you came to Japan/etc. Talk about whatever you like!
You can retake the video, so you can relax while you're filming.

Can I stop filming in the middle of it? Or can I redo the video?

Yes you can.
If you stop at the middle, you will continue from where you left.
You can redo the video so relax while doing it.
Self-introduction videos can also be recorded from Profile Settings.

Is it better to wear a suit?

You can film with either a suit or your everyday clothes. The workplace people will look at it so be aware the cleanness of your clothes, hair, makeup.

Do I have to speak in Japanese?

Speak in Japanese as much as possible. The person interviewing you may not understand anything but Japanese, so please try to speak in Japanese, even if it is just your name.

Are self-introduction videos effective for getting interviews and being selected?

Yes, they're very effective.Self-introduction videos are a must since people who shot self-introduction videos were more likely to be hired than those who didn't.

Is there a time limit for the length of the video?

The recommended video duration is 1-2 minutes.Keep it to 5 minutes at most.