【Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment】Make sure to check this when you return to your home country!

Do you know about "Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment" system in Japan? You may get your money back when you return to your home country.
If you live in Japan, let's learn about this system. It might be useful when you return to your home country someday.
Even if you have already returned to your home country, you may still be able to apply, so please check it out.
What is a Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment?
This money is returned when a non-Japanese who has worked in Japan for more than 6 months and paid the Employees' Pension Insurance returns to his/her home country.
※To receive the lump-sum withdrawal payment, you must apply for it from your home country.
How much money will I get back?
Example )
・ Salary: 170,000 yen
・ Bonus: Twice a year 340,000 yen
・Working period: 3 years
→650,000 yen will be returned.
What are the requirements for recipients?
What do I need to prepare?
Application Process
First, let's consult with them!