【What you need in Japan】Bank Account

One important thing you need to live in Japan is a bank account. You will need it to you receive your salary, to pay your rent, to apply for a credit card, and so on. This time, we will share what non-Japanese need when opening an account, as well as recommended banks.
1) What you need to open a bank account
The requirements differ depending on the bank, so be sure to check it first.
・Residence Card (make sure you have the correct address)
・Residence Certificate (Juminhyo)
・Japanese mobile phone number
・Personal Stamp
・Student / employee ID card (sometimes it is necessary if your resident status are "Student (Ryugaku)" or "Technical Intern Training (Gino Jisshu)")
2) Recommended bank accounts that can be opened with English
■ 楽天銀行(らくてん ぎんこう)- Rakuten Bank
It is an online bank, so it doesn't have a branch office.
You can open an account in English from your computer or mobile phone.
You can use ATMs in many banks and convenience stores.
It's a post office bank.
You can apply in 14 languages from your computer or mobile phone.
You can create an account online or at the branch office.
From survey result of YOLO JAPAN users, It's the most popular bank.
It is an online bank, so it doesn't have a branch office.
You can open an account in English from your computer or mobile phone.
It has the most ATMs among online banks.
■ 新生銀行(しんせい ぎんこう)- Shinsei Bank
It has branch offices in 13 prefectures, so you can open an account at the branch office.
You can also open an account in English from your computer or mobile phone.
It is a famous bank with many branch offices overseas.
Q: What you can't do even if you have a bank account?
① Travel abroad
② Pay the rent
③ Receive a salary
The answer is? ★
① Travel abroad
“What you can't do” is ①. If you have a bank account, you can do ② and ③.
Staff who can speak languages other than Japanese may not be available at the branch offices.
When you open an account at the branch office, it's better to call beforehand.
People who worried about speaking Japanese, try using a bank where you can open an account on the Internet.